Young Minds

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an update

Hello babes!

It has been a while. After my arrival home from Madrid the time difference was a pain, so I needed some time to readjust & and reorganize.  After a week or two I ended up taking a spontaneous trip to Kauai and spent a weekend in New York shortly after. So... consistency has been a struggle, and before I knew it time flew by. Once again I am packing back up for Madrid and meeting up with friends for the last time before I leave. 

This month has been good to me & at the same time- hard. I had a lot of reflecting to do and a lot of grounding to do as well. Spain threw me off my routine a little. With all being said It was great, I learned, I made two amazing best friends, and got to see a lot, but... it was crazy. 

What I am most excited about this semester is- I know the ground rules, the best places to go, eat, how the metro works, etc. AND I know what clothes to bring this time.  Last time, for some reason I had convinced myself it was much warmer than it really was, so short story short, I wasn't prepared.

 I have big plans this go around. I want to share so much more about my experience, the raw and the real. I feel like I was taking everything in the first semester that filming, taking photos, or writing were simply things I wasn't too focused on.  I kind of just forgot about it. I plan on sharing so much more of the experience and I can't wait to do so... but for the time being here are some photos of Europe I never posted. 

